Understanding Clomiphene Citrate 50mg: Hormone Dosage in Iran

Clomiphene citrate 50mg is a commonly used medication for treating infertility, particularly in women who struggle with ovulation issues. In Iran, this dosage is frequently prescribed as part of fertility treatment protocols. This article delves into the importance, usage, and considerations of Clomiphene Citrate 50mg Iran hormone dosage.

What is Clomiphene Citrate?

Clomiphene citrate is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) that helps stimulate ovarian function by blocking estrogen receptors at the hypothalamus, leading to increased release of hormones such as FSH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone) and LH (Luteinizing Hormone). This process encourages the ovaries to produce eggs.

Indications for Use

This medication is primarily indicated for:

Dosage Guidelines

The typical starting dose of Clomiphene Citrate 50mg is taken on specific days of the menstrual cycle:

  1. Usually administered on cycle days 3 to 7.
  2. Monitoring is essential after the first cycle; https://cloversupplements.com/medicament/clomiphene-citrate-50mg-iran-hormone/ adjustments may be made based on response.

Administration Tips

To maximize effectiveness, consider the following tips:

Potential Side Effects

While Clomiphene citrate 50mg is generally well-tolerated, some side effects may occur:

FAQs About Clomiphene Citrate 50mg

1. How long can I take Clomiphene Citrate?

Typically, it is recommended to use Clomiphene Citrate 50mg for no longer than six cycles, as prolonged use may increase the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS).

2. Can men use Clomiphene Citrate?

Yes, Clomiphene citrate is sometimes prescribed off-label for men with low testosterone levels, but this should only be done under medical supervision.

3. What should I discuss with my doctor before starting Clomiphene Citrate?

Discuss your complete medical history, any current medications, potential allergies, and whether you are pregnant or breastfeeding.


In summary, Clomiphene Citrate 50mg serves as an effective hormone therapy option for those dealing with infertility issues in Iran. Understanding its proper use, dosage guidelines, and possible side effects can empower individuals seeking help in their reproductive journey.

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Dr. med. Sibylle Köhler

Curriculum Vitae

Seit 01.04.2020 Niedergelassen in eigener Praxis
01.11.2008 - 31.03.2020 im Angestelltenverhältnis niedergelassen
(Medikum Kassel und HNO-Praxis Schäfer)
09/2007 - 10/2008 Elternzeit
6/2007 Fachärztin für Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde
10/2006 Qualitätsnachweis Botulinumtoxin
2005 - 2007 Assistenzärztin im Petruskrankenhaus in Wuppertal
Dr. med. C.-P. Fues
2004 - 2005 Assistenzärztin im Klinikum Lüdenscheid
Dr. med. H. Davids
2001 - 2004 ÄiP und Assistenzärztin in der HNO-Uniklinik Göttingen
Prof. Dr. med. W. Steiner
1994 - 2001 Medizinstudium an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
1985 - 1994 Marienschule Hildesheim, Allgemeine Hochschulreife

Dr. med. Frank Schreiber

Curriculum Vitae

ab 01.04.2020 Niederlassung in eigener Praxis
Oberarzt, HNO, Klinikum Kassel,
bis 31.3.2020 Prof. Dr. med. U. Bockmühl
ab 01.07.2005 Prof. Dr. med. M. Schröder,
seit 01.09.2009 leitender Oberarzt
Oberarzt, HNO, Krankenhaus St. Georg, Hamburg
ab 01.07.1999 Prof. Dr. med. C. Morgenstern
bis 30.06.2005 Prof. Dr. med. J. von Scheel
01.10.1995 - 30.06.1999 Assistenzarzt, HNO, Universitätsklinik Mainz,
Prof. Dr. med. W. Mann
01.01.1995 - 30.05.1995 AiP, HNO, Dr.-Horst-Schmidt Kliniken Wiesbaden,
Prof. Dr. med. A. Beigel
05/1999 Facharzt für HNO
11/2011 Zusatzbezeichnung plastische Chirurgie
spezielle HNO Chirurgie
1978 - 1987 Friedrichsgymnasium Kassel, Allgemeine Hochschulreife


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